Holly Oxhandler

Jayhawk on blue background
  • Professor and Associate Dean for Research, Diana R. Garland School of Social Work, Baylor University


Dr. Holly K. Oxhandler obtained a PhD from Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston; and an MSW from Graduate College of Social Work, University of Houston; and B.S., Psychology, at the University of Houston. She joined Baylor University’s Garland School of Social Work in 2014.


Ph.D. in Social Work, University of Houston


Dr. Oxhandler studies the intersection of ethical and effective integration of clients’ religion/spirituality (RS) with the evidence-based practice process in mental and behavioral health treatment. Her research highlights religion and spirituality in clinical practice, mental health, scale development, and mentoring and professional development. She developed the Religious/Spiritually Integrated Practice Assessment Scale (RSIPAS), which assesses mental healthcare providers’ (social workers, psychologists, counselors, marriage and family therapists, and nurses) attitudes, perceived feasibility, self-efficacy, behaviors, and overall orientation toward integrating clients’ RS in practice. She has also developed other related instruments, including the RSIPAS-Client Attitudes, the Social Workers’ Integration of their Faith – Christian (SWIF-C) Scale, and most recently, the Relevance of Religion/Spirituality to Mental Health to measure clients’ perceived relevance of religion/spirituality and mental health. 

Dr. Oxhandler cohosts the weekly podcast, CXMH: Christianity & Mental Health, has clinical and research experience working with older adults with anxiety and depression at Baylor College of Medicine, and often consults with other helping professions on the ethical integration of clients’ religion/spirituality. Though the integration of clients’ RS in mental health treatment is her primary area of interest, her scholarship also includes evidence-based practice, serious mental illness, anxiety disorders, virtual reality, mentoring, and social work practitioners’ professional identity. Dr. Oxhandler teaches across the BSW, MSW, and PhD programs in courses primarily related to research and statistics.

Dr. Oxhandler’s research and training have been generously supported by the John Templeton Foundation, Spencer Foundation, Baylor University and others. She is grateful for these sources of support but is especially thankful for the invaluable mentoring she has received over the years. Because of her exceptional mentors, Dr. Oxhandler deeply enjoys paying it forward by mentoring students outside the classroom with regard to professional development and supporting faculty in her role as Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development.